
Big Boxes Of Blessings

So, in case you're wondering what's in these cases it's EleCare! The formula that B is on for his sensitive, allergy prone, sweet, little body. The best blessing to come our way recently was coverage of his formula from the manufacturer. After being denied by our insurance we appealed to the maker for financial assistance. As this runs us at least $100 per week this was a huge, huge blessing. Thank you! What you see in this one shipment would have run us $1200. 


Jess said...

Hey Amanda!!
So excited you've started a blog! Now we can keep up with you guys!
Hope you all are well!
Happy Blogging :)

The Nelsons said...

Yeah another Blog Sister! I am so excited to see that the formula company is helping you out! That is such a huge blessing. How did that happen?