Well, it seems school time is quickly approaching here at the McLaughlin house. While most families I know are looking forward to the dog days of Summer, we're getting ready for class.
I guess I should elaborate slightly, huh?
As many of you know Daniel went back to college this past Winter with the intent to earn a degree in Religion. He's been extremely successful in his studies. He's earned straight A's so far! Way to go Babe! We've been blessed to have his cost of college covered!
This Fall will begin A's first year of school! We're going to be homeschooling her and have already gotten her curriculum. She doesn't know what's coming but I'm looking forward to it. We already make sure to do her flash cards every afternoon. She's getting very good at them! We're fortunate to have multiple, excellent resources for homeschooling families in our area.
A little less certain is my desire to return to college. I am continually praying and seeking what God would like me to study. I have a hunch :) it will be in the medical field of some sort. Wether that means something like special education, speech therapy, nutrition, or homeopathy I'm not sure right now. I'm always asking questions to my girlfriends and Blake's specialists to help me hone in on where I could best serve. This is just another example of God's faithfulness through trials. It has only been through the circumstances with B that it became crystal clear to me that I should return to school. I am confident that these trials have spurred me on quicker to God's will for us. I commit this to prayer and know that soon God will reveal the purpose he would like me to pursue. I will keep you posted!
How exciting that we're all learning so much right now!!
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