All of our days are important but this week holds an awesome (first time) opportunity for Daniel. He will be traveling with a church to to lead worship for them on a retreat! We have met with some of the leaders from this church and are encouraged by the way they are approaching ministry. We were very honored when they asked Daniel to be a part of this retreat. It will be a small, intimate setting (sometimes by a campfire) which I firmly believe is one of Daniel's strongest points. I look forward to the ways that God will speak to people this weekend through Daniel's gift of music. It's my prayer that the music will be a blessing to them, enabling them to truly worship God in a personal way.
This leads me to another thought. You see this weekend wouldn't be possible if Daniel and I weren't completely certain and convicted of Daniel's giftedness. I want to encourage all of you to discover the ways God has gifted you. I think that as a Momma to young children it's often easy for me to forget that God has gifted me beyond being able to change a diaper and make dinner. However, the demands of being a wife and mother don't negate my command from God to use my gifts to His glory.
If you haven't had a chance yet you should check out Daniel's website too! His site by the way is a huge blessing from our friend at Steinruck Designs. As far as I'm concerned they make the hottest web designs out there!