Most of you know we enjoy keeping life simple around here. Most of you also know we're human, we mess up, and we make things complicated that don't need to be.
This past weekend we were blessed by friends to be able to go to Baltimore, Maryland. We decided to devote an entire day to The National Aquarium. We packed up all we'd need, minus the stroller as it's not allowed, and even got permission for B to bring his own lunch. We didn't opt for a lot of the "extra's" at The National Aquarium because we felt our little ones would be entertained by the standard exhibits.
We had a great time! We saw everything from sharks to jellyfish. The kids had great spirits even with no naps that day. Then we went to the hotel to crash. We ate, watched television (which is rare for us), walked around the harbor, ate Twizzlers (which is rare for us too), and hung out as a family.
When we were finally on our way home we asked the kids "What was your favorite part?".
Hint, this is where simplicity comes in.
It wasn't the $80 to get into the aquarium, it wasn't the toys they picked out while we were there, it wasn't the dolphins, or the TV.
A said, "Mama, the hotel was wonderful. The best part was sleeping on the fuzzy blanket with my brother."
B said, "Boats". Perhaps I should elaborate a little on his response. He's referring to the boats we saw out the window of the aquarium in the harbor.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not bummed these were my kids favorite moments. These are precious, I will scrapbook them, and I'm thankful they had a good time. However, maybe next time we'll hang out at the hotel, watch television, swim in the pool, and order room service.