I can hardly believe it's October first! I'm sure lots of people are feeling the same way.
What does Fall hold for you this year? What is your favorite event in Fall?
Fall is one of my favorite times of year. I'm looking forward to it with a little excitement actually. I'm awaiting cooler days, Daniel having more time at home, Fall colors on the trees, Christmas, and hopefully some traveling.
Soon, Daniel will take a break from pools and be able to focus on ministry for the Winter. I enjoy having him around the house and so do the kiddos. In fact I think even the dog likes it better when Daniel is home. I'm so blessed with an awesome man.
I do have to admit that prior planning is not one of my strong points. I have good intentions but get easily side tracked. I'm happy to announce that I've managed to find a couple Christmas presents. They were on sale of course! Hopefully, I'll stay the course and be done long before December five and twenty. I'll have to keep you updated on my progress. Later I'm going to be sharing with you how we here at The McLaughlin House "deal" with Christmas presents and traditions. We got the idea from some good friends of ours, The Brown's.
Here's to the beginning of the end of the year! May it be filled with abundant blessings.